Each month,
Angela at Soscrappy gives a colour for the
Rainbow Scrap Challenge
and we work with scraps of that colour for that month. This month's
colour is light/medium blue. The first two years I joined the challenge I
followed Angela's sampler instructions and made a large rainbow quilt
both years. Since then I've made my own project plan, but kept to her
colour-using programme. This year there is also a rainbow sampler
programme run by
Angela at Soscrappy together with Mari at
The Academic Quilter
To start with last year's RSC projects:
I managed to finish very little in 2017. I quilted a couple of quilts
made in 2016, made a small wall hanging, and some scrappy scrap
baskets. 2018 will initially see me continuing with the same RSC projects:
Scrappy baskets:
Since I took this photo I have added an orange and a pink basket.
I still have to make two: one for blue and aqua and one for back and white.
Large blocks

I've been making one square in each month's colour with a white wonky star. I started this about half way through 2017 and will continue until I have enough for ... whatever! Lap quilt, baby quilt, who knows! These squares finish at 14 inches, so I won't need so many, once I've got the 49 2" squares joined, that is.
Jacob's ladders:
I need to redefine this in terms of scrappy. I abandoned this project after a couple of months because it wasn't scrappy enough. Using off-white solid as background works, and using two other colours also, but not using just two other fabrics. This way hasn't been using scraps; I have to use more than one fabric in each colour for the triangles. It's not that I don't like the result, but it's not helping me reduce my scraps. I have the feeling that making these blocks will be more of a 5-year plan!
6"Jacobs Ladder variation |
2018 RSC Sampler Quilt
I haven't yet decided, but by the time you read this I will know more about it and have made a decision!
Some more scrappy projects for 2018:
Trip around the world:
I'm collecting 2.5" strips and will be joining them as L&Es. This could also take years! My plan is to make a block each month in the colour of the month. This won't be a scrap buster but a scrap builder, because I'll need to buy more fabric in each colour to get up to size!
Framed 9-patches
I've started making the 9-patches as L&Es, using the ends of the 2" strips used in the Quiltville Mystery "On Ringo Lake". I plan to collect a pile of 9-patches and will decide when I have enough for a quilt what exactly I do with them. This will continue to be a L&E project. So who knows when I'll have enough for a dancing 9-patch quilt.
Much as I love piecing I'm very reluctant to quilt. I never feel that I am in complete control of the machine when quilting. I have just bought a Craftsy class given by Jacquie Gering: "Creative Quilting with your Walking Foot", and am hoping I will gain enough confidence in the next couple of months to tackle these two:
2015 sampler. This is a completed top, I just didn't take a photo with the last 2 squares! |
2016: Bear Paws |
That's enough I think; I have to be realistic!
Best wishes everyone for a healthy, prosperous and productive new year.
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Happy sewing