Soma at Whims and Fancies is holding a photo link up: The Wandering Camera. The idea is to take a photo each day and to share the photos once a month. I love the idea, but even in the shortest month of the year I didn't manage my photo-a-day.
I'm afraid my camera didn't wander very much in February. No valid reasons.
I missed last month's link up because I was away for a long weekend in Maastricht, in the south of The Netherlands. In Maastricht I had my only opportunity to use my good camera; the weather was so dull that all the photos there are at ISO 400, except the two indoor which are at 800.
But first some photos
around my flat:
5 February |
1. Two Delft blue "commemoration" dishes:
- the top is the real thing - hand-painted - presented to my father-in-law
by his employer on his 25th anniversary at the company,
- below is kitsch, a transfer-ware imitation, for tourists!
2. Planter in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in my living room
3. jars of tea lined up on top of the fridge
In Maastricht where we stayed in a hotel which was formally a manor house
6 February |
1. a patchwork of tiles in the main hall
2. the main hall (who chose those lamps to match the room?!!)
3. The main railway line crosses the end of the hotel/manor house drive
4. a stand of trees in the park
7 February |
1. black fungus on a fallen tree trunk
2. the host tree trunk, also hosting moss, ivy, lichens and small creatures
3. fungus growing near the base of a living tree
4. possibly the same variety of fungus but growing about 5ft. from the ground on another tree. I loved the colour of the lichens also hosted by this tree.
All the fungus was growing well because of the unusually high temperatures that weekend (10 deg Celsius) and the high humidity (it was raining most of the time). My last photo is of unusually early flowers:
7 February |
I took more photos with the camera in my phone.
6 February |
Clockwise from top left
1. part of Carnival procession
2. City Hall with the carnival flags
3. Street art
4. More street art: market vendor adorned for carnival
5. Shop in the old city centre
6. Our Lady, Star of the Sea, in the Church of the same name
Back home!
Local photos from left to right:
16 February: the route homewards at lunchtime
17 February: Tree in bloom near another tram stop
25 February: SNOW! but it didn't come to anything!
I made these collages with
PicMonkey free photo software. I'm still discovering how to use it, but you may have noticed some progression. I just have to work out how to make the watermark less intrusive.
I'm linking to
click on the image to see more photos taken in February.
Happy snapping